11 _Taking care of yourself

Be kind to yourself

  • Taking care of you is important too! 

  • If you notice your usual mood, behaviour or thoughts worsening, engage in things which recharge you like a hobby and talk to someone about how you feel.  

  • Maintain healthy relationship boundaries when supporting others. While it is important that we all take personal responsibility to help, the person at risks’ past and response is not your responsibility.  

  • All we can do is learn and apply how to detect and respond to suicide risk.  

  • If someone you know makes an attempt to end their life or does end their life, seek support for yourself immediately from your GP, a mental health professional, supportive person in the community or www.standbysupport.com.au

Self Care Ideas:

  • Watch your favourite movie

  • Listen to your favourite album 

  • Star gaze on a picnic mat 

  • Turn your phone off for 1 hour

  • Do something you used to love as a kid (play with Lego, go for a bike ride, paint with your hands)

  • Cook a new meal

  • Bake something 

  • Buy fresh flowers 

  • Watch a sunrise or sunset 

  • Take a day off work